Bike The Moment Store . 髦民士多

tokyobike 在香港由 Bike The Moment Store 髦民士多全權打理。我們是一間舒服的小店,除了單車之外也有賣其他生活雜貨。我們售賣的不只是一部單車、一種產品,更希望能帶給客人們一種新的生活態度/方式。我們喜歡和客人暢談聊天。我們不時亦會到世界各地旅行踩單車,希望找到更多新的靈感。
tel/whatsapp (+852) 9312 8538
email :
tokyobike is managed by Bike The Moment Store 髦民士多 in Hong Kong. We are a small cozy store selling not just bicycle but also lifestyle accessories and products. In our mind, we are not just selling a “bicycle” or a “products” but also bringing a new way / attitude to your daily life. We love to chat with our customers. We would also from time to time travel in other cities by bike to look for new inspiration.
hope you would like our products.
for any collaboration , please contact:
tel/whatsapp (+852) 9312 8538
email :