About Us . 關於我們

tokyobike hong kong


我們是來自於日本東京的一個獨立單車品牌,總部是位於東京谷中區 Yanaka 的一間具有 80 年歷史的前釀酒木屋(更多介紹)。從 2002年開始,我們的日本團隊一直設計著以簡潔為主的復古日系單車,並以「將各種生活元素聯繫在一起」作為我們品牌的經營理念。對我們來說,tokyobike 並不只是一部單車,它更多的是探索生活上不同可能性的工具。

2014 年,tokyobike 由 Bike The Moment Store 髦民士多帶進香港,為大家帶來耳目一新的日系單車。tokyobike 將會是你踩過最舒適而又最有設計感的city bike。歡迎你來拜訪我們位於觀塘的總店親身一試,找到屬於你生活的新可能。

tokyobike is a small, independent bicycle company founded in 2002 in the quiet Tokyo suburb of Yanaka, Japan. Our headquarter is now located in a brewery house with 80 years of history which makes it very unique in the district (more about our story).Our design team in Tokyo has been designing minimalistic Japanese vintage city bikes since 2002 and trying to connect different elements in life with it. To us, tokyobike is not just simply a bicycle but rather a tool that help you explore different possibilities in life.

In 2014, tokyobike was brought to Hong Kong by Bike The Moment Store 髦民士多. tokyobike will be the most comfortable yet stylish city bikes that you have ever ridden. Please feel free to visit our store in Kwun Tong and explore the new possibilities in your life.