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SÖGRENI Bell 丹麥手製鈴鈴

Regular price HK$490.00
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找了很久,等了很久,終於等到這個在哥本哈根的總店人手製作的 Sogreni Bell。我們第一眼看到覺得:原來bell 的形狀可以設計成這樣!這完全顛覆了我們一般對鈴鐺的理解:bell 是要 bell shape 才會響。意外地這款 bell 的聲音非常清脆悅耳,聲音不算非常大,屬於比較高音的一種。論設計和外形我們覺得屬於藝術品級,設計非常簡單但非常吸引,一貫北歐的簡約風格。SÖGRENI 是這個設計的第一人。

Had waited for so long to get this handmade bell from Copenhagen. It's design is very minimal and beautiful which we think it's kind of like a art piece. The sound is not very loudly yet it is relatively of higher pitch. SÖGRENI is the first designer and creator of this bell.

-22.2mm 手把
-鈴鈴面直徑約 58mm